Category: Cutting a Promo

In wrestling, a promo is short for “promotional interview”, a dialogue or monologue used to advance a storyline. The act of delivering such an interview is known in the business and by fans as cutting a promo.

Cutting a Promo

Supporting Adopters

This morning I had a call scheduled with someone interested in my services. Based on the responses of the short form they filled out, this dog, who was in the home for two weeks, was showing all the signs of being frustrated and uncomfortable in their new environment. “When it […]

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Cutting a Promo

Truth & Accountability Follow Up

Here is why his “Truth & Accountability” template is bullshit. In April Sean O’Shea posted this video on Facebook with a dog that has “A host of serious behavioral issues. Multiple bites on family members, resource guarding, lunging at people on walks (so they no longer walk him), hyper-territorial behavior […]

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Cutting a Promo

Truth and Accountability

Sean O’Shea recently posted his idea of what should be accepted as evidence that it is worth the time of balanced trainers to engage with force free trainers. The requirements are you have two months to find 20 dogs with serious behavior problems and rehab them. Record evidence of the […]

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