Category: Productivity

Productivity, Tech

Intake Forms

At my old job I had forms that had to be manually filled out at an Initial Consultation. It was annoying for many reasons, such as: And most importantly: If you are still doing it this way I hope you are at least using a laptop/tablet! I didn’t have that […]

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User Manuals

When I worked as a systems admin & desktop support I regularly created handouts for my users. One office I worked at had a group of people who would attach pdf files to an email by: I was the office hero when I sent out the guide showing how to […]

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Productivity, Tech

Lesson Planning

I’ll be completely honest – nobody ever taught me how to put together a lesson or training plan. Shit, my very first private lesson client the boss gave me the intake form and contract and said ” good luck. fake it ’till you make it if you need to”. For […]

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Productivity, Tech

Virtual Consultations

October 9th 2022 Update: I’m working on an overhaul of my workflow and I may no longer be using, or in the process of transitioning from, some of the tools mentioned. But there is still lots of good information in this post! The few times I’ve mentioned virtual consultations on […]

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Productivity, Tech

Note Taking Part 2

When I’m out for a walk, bike ride, or driving, is when my mind seems to want to think about my upcoming lessons and what I should be planning. But I struggle to remember the details when I get back to my desk. Leading to frustration. Instead of forcing myself […]

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Productivity, Tech

Note-taking Woes

I’ve struggled with note-taking as long as I can remember. Any type of notes! Having adhd makes it difficult and I had two surgeries on the hand I write with – so writing for long periods is also tough. When I started working with dogs, the people I worked for […]

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Productivity, Tech

My Workflows

Intro I am a one person business and live & struggle with adhd, general anxiety, and depression. It’s tough to stay organized and keep up with the level of service I offer my clients while struggling with other ailments. For the longest time I was making too much work for […]

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